Bollard hats for more safety on sidewalks

The SZS participates in the campaign for the Low Vision Day 2021. Bollards are difficult to recognize and  people with visual impairments can easily injure themselves. In this campaing they are made visible by a red and white striped cap. On June 07, starting at 10:30 a.m., it will take place on the KIT campus. 

My profile - a completely different job application training. The seminar for people with visual impairments

Online compact seminar on 21/22 January and 28/29 January 2022
(FR from 16.00 - 17.30 and SA from 9.00 - 17.30)

Registration deadline: 03.01.2022

Registration link "my profile"

Das Bild zeigt einen Teil des Uni-CampusVirtual Orientation Unit 2021

The SZS Orientation Unit for blind and partially sighted prospective students will take place form 11th to 13th October
The programme is ready, registration is now possible under the following link until 4 October 2021: Registration link

inclusionKIT-MINTernship inclusive: new offer for KIT students. See Website and Blog

The project is aimed specifically at students with disabilities and chronic diseases and is financed by the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung.
Follow our blog 

SpendeCognex2019Donation for working environment with Virtual Reality

Cognex supports the development of a work environment for people with visual impairments with a generous donation. This requires Virtual Reality (VR) glasses and a laptop.

What's new

The SZS participates in this year's ICCHP with four articles on the development of a Braille scanner, an eye-tracking based magnification program and two articles on the AccessibleMaps project.

Photo of articleAssistive Technology - Latest Developments

The radio transmission of Deutschlandfunk presents latest developments and research:  Radio Artikel "Hilfen für Blinde - Draht in eine dunkle Welt" (in German only)

Gerhard JaworekInclusion in the sky

Gerhard Jaworek, employee at the SZS, member of the German Astronomical Society (DAG),  who wrote the book "Blind zu den Sternen - Mein Weg als Astronom" will give a keynote speech on 22nd August about "Inclusion in the Sky" during the Congress of the International Astronomical Union in Vienna. During the subsequent fair, he will present 3D models and tactile material printed at the SZS.
The management of the SZS warmly congratulates Mr. Jaworek on this honourable invitation.


cognex: donation hangoverDonation for Mobile Braille Display

Thanks to a donation, students can borrow a mobile braille display in urgent cases such as short-term loss of their own aids. The SZS would like to thank Cognex for their generous donation.

Projektstart Accessible Maps

Im 2019 begonnenen Accessible Maps Projekt entwickeln das SZS und die TU Dresden neue Ansätze zur Verbesserung der Mobilität von Menschen mit Beeinträchtigung. Zugängliche Gebäudekarten werden erstellt, die Informationen zur Barrierefreiheit bereit stellen.

CampusCANCELLED: Orientation Unit 2020

Please remind: The SZS-Orientation unit for visually-impaired pupils will take place from 18 to 20 May 2020. Information

MicrophoneSZS podcast

The KIT research podcast reports on the work of the SZS in it's 21st episode. Listen to the podcast in German on the website.

Mein Profil - Employment application course 2020

The SZS offers an Employment application cource for people with visual impairments  "mein Profil - ein ganz anderes Bewerbungstraining".
The Training will take place form 15.01. to  12.01.2020 in "Haus der Kirche" at Bad Herrenalb. Information and registration

MicrophonePodcasts focusing on Mobility and Visual Impairment

The podcasts offer different views on mobility in daily life and curtent research.
Guiding and Orientation Systems
The cane - AT or wand?
Mobility Training - How blind peole learn to explore the world.
See Project Websíte TERRAIN inclucing this and further podcasts.

tactilemapzooInclusive tactile map for the Karlsruhe Zoo

The SZS developed a tactile map for the Zoo Karlsruhe together with the Rotary Club Karlsruhe who initiated and sponsored the project. The Baden Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired took part in the tests.
The map can be purchased at the entrance of the zoo for 10 euros. Now people with blindness or visual impairment can plan and carry out a visit to the zoo together with sighted persons.

inclusion running 2018Inclusion running 2018

The Karlsruhe inclusion running as part of the Baden-Marathon started with participation of the SZS. Reports

zkm_ltp_webbannerLearning takes place

An exhibition about Learning Takes Place will be presented at the ZKM from 9.11.-2.12.. The exhibition aims at giving ideas on how learning and learning spaces should be designed. The SZS shows various exhibits of how students with visual impairments study at KIT.

SZS enrolled in map of inclusion

The SZS gets involved with inclusion. Take a view at the the map of map of inclusion presented on the website of the Federal Government Commissioner for Matters relating to Disabled Persons.

"Blind zu den Sternen - Mein Weg als Astronom"
The author of this book, Gerhard Jaworek, SZS-employee, describes the discovery of his hobby astronomy and how he experiences it in an inclusive way, beeing a blind person. Congratulations! The book is now available. Blurb (German only)
SZS at ICCHP July 2018

The SZS is presenting six papers about accessibility at the International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs (ICCHP) in Linz. Program

Foto 3030 years SZS

Mid October the SZS celebrated the 30-years birthday. The program presented former and present development and also future visions of the SZS. Report (in German only)

LeitsystemfürBlindeCSCampus-Guidance-system for the blind

The first step is done.....Paulcke-Platz and crossing the road (Engesserstrasse) towards AKK is now much safer than before due to the installation of a guidance system for the blind on the ground.

logo terrainTERRAIN

The SZS is part of the TERRAIN project "Navigation System for People with Visual Impairment." Podcasts (in German only) about new developments within the project will be published regularily.

German Thesis Award 2016
Dr. Elisabeth Wilhelm received the German Thesis Award 2016 for her thesis about "Development of a Microfluidic Braille Display" in Berlin on 8th November. During her thesis, she worked closely together with the SZS. Congratulations on the award! Information
Donation Video Magnifier
The SZS recieved a donation from Cognex a company from Karlsruhe to buy a modern desktop video magnifier. On behalve of the students, the SZS certainly appreciates Cognex's generous donation.
Mein Profil - Employment application course 2018

The SZS offers an Employment application cource for people with visual impairments  "mein Profil - ein ganz anderes Bewerbungstraining" an.
The Training will take place form 05.01. to  07.01.2018 in "Haus der Kirche" at Bad Herrenalb. Information and registration

Students Press about studying with disabilities at KIT

Student Review "Schärfer Bitte!" stress on topic of studying without barriers at KIT.  Read articles (PDF barrierefree - German only) 

Inauguration Accessibility Lab
The new test lab for a barrier-free access to information for visually imparired persons Access Lab was inaugurated on 3rd June 2016. Press Release