
The treasure trove for those who want to know more...

ICCHP Summer University
Out of MoDe-lectures 2002 to 2014 some are recorded and can still be watched at youtube  .
Please find a list of the presentations (PDF in German only).
Mein Profil - A different job-training. The Seminar offered by the SZS for people with visual impairment (9 to 11 January 2015 in Bad-Herrenalb)
Change of leadership SZS 2011
Party & Kolloquium to the honour of Joachim Klaus
Dr. Karl Paul Dürre died in March 2008 - "tribute to my father" by Imke Dürre
Orientation unit for blind and partially sighted pupils 2008
"ECDL/ICDL A Brighter Future Award 2007" award ceremony,  4. February 2008
Mathematics in DAISY Books - Techshare 2007
report LAMBDA-Workshop 2005