Karlsruhe - learning community

Project duration:

8.9.2006 - 31.12.2007

Project applicant:

Fernstudienzentrum (FSZ) Universität Karlsruhe (TH)

Project partners:

SZS Study Centre for the Visually Impaired Students, Universität Karlsruhe (TH)


The SZS is responsible for three special subprojects in this ESF-funded programme.

Following a former project "Supporting visually impaired people in a training programme with self-controlling learning" the first subproject is dedicated to "Visually impaired seniors and IT".
In the largest old people's home in Karlsruhe we develop, implement and evaluate training programmes like e-mailing, programming, scanning  and adapting photos with their senior inhabitants.

The second subproject is dedicated to a barrier-free ECDL (European Computer Driving Licence). This includes a correspondent implementation, the training of the examscentre's staff and public relation acitivities.

The third subproject will offer special computer training modules. The EU LEONARDO Programme IDOL (Inclusion of Disabled in Open Labour Market), where the SZS was one of the partners, developed an IT-learning programme for people with disabilities. A basic part of the programme is oriented to fundamental acquaintance with the computer. The second part contains the programmes Word, Excel and Access.
It is amomg others the intention to implement thes programmes into the school curricula.